Entries tagged with poverty lines

David Rodriguez's picture
David Rodriguez
• 03/29/23

Many of us rely on the International Poverty Line as a global standard for measuring poverty and targeting services. In 2022, the World Bank’s Development Data Group introduced new International Poverty Lines (IPLs), re-defining each IPL using 2017 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) values instead of the older 2011 values. The three lowest lines, set to $1.90, $3.20, and $5.50 USD per person per day in 2011 PPP terms, have been revised to $2.15, $3.65, and $6.85. In this entry, the Poverty Probability Index (PPI) team at IPA will try to highlight the most important details for organizations that report against international poverty standards, and what it means for those who are using the PPI.

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Sharada Ramanathan's picture
Sharada Ramanathan
• 05/06/19

To make it easy to assess and compare the consumption-based welfare of different beneficiary groups, we construct multiple poverty lines for each PPI. Each poverty line is associated with a distinct definition of household poverty and may be relevant to a specific use and context. This blog explains how organizations can select appropriate poverty lines for their purpose.

(Note: This blog post is the fourth installment of the PPI Practitioner Guidance Series. For more information, read the first installment on setting poverty outreach goals, the second installment on transitioning to the new 2011 PPP lines, and the third installment on five common errors to avoid when using the PPI.)

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Sharada Ramanathan's picture
Sharada Ramanathan
• 01/25/18

As you may know, in October 2015, the World Bank released the new International Poverty Line. The new line boosts the 2005 level, $1.25 based on 2011 local prices converted to US dollars, up to $1.90/day. While it seems like a simple adjustment, measuring poverty across times and countries is an inherently fuzzy process.

The purpose of this second installment of the PPI Practitioner Guidance Series (read the first installment here) is to explain why these two lines are not necessarily equivalent at the level of individual countries, and how PPI users who are currently using the 2005 PPP lines to measure poverty may transition to using the 2011 PPP lines.

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Julie Peachey's picture
Julie Peachey
• 01/07/16
• Posted in poverty lines

As many of you have heard, the World Bank updated the international poverty line from $1.25/day based on 2005 PPP to $1.90/day based on 2011 PPP.  This new poverty line reflects changes in purchasing power parity (PPP) [involving a substantial re-assessment of purchasing powers around the world] and prices between 2005 and 2011.

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Frank Ballard's picture
Frank Ballard
• 07/24/13
• Posted in Updates, poverty lines
• 1 Comment

By Frank Ballard

So you’ve just found out the PPI your organization uses has been updated. Great! Your poverty data will be more accurate because it is based on the most recent national household income survey available in your country. Your organization will be better able to target and understand the poor households it serves.

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