List of available PPIs

The table below lists the countries with PPI scorecards that use data collected at least in the last ten years. Both the year the national survey was conducted and the year each PPI was released is displayed. For PPIs with data older than ten years, please refer to the table at the bottom. Keep in mind that some of these countries (and others not displayed here) might have more recent data available, but a new PPI has not been requested. For a list of countries with available data for a new PPI, please follow this link.

To access a specific PPI, click on the name of the country you are interested in. PPIs released or updated in the last three years are highlighted in bold blue.

Country Region Survey Data Release Date
Bangladesh Asia 2017 2020
Benin Africa 2018 2022
Bolivia LAC 2020 2023
Burkina Faso Africa 2018 2023
Cambodia Asia 2020 2023
Colombia LAC 2016 2018
Costa Rica LAC 2017 2020
Côte d’Ivoire Africa 2015 2018
Dominican Republic LAC 2016 2018
Ecuador LAC 2021 2022
El Salvador LAC 2019 2021
Ethiopia Africa 2019 2023
Ghana Africa 2017 2019
Guatemala LAC 2021 2023
Honduras LAC 2019 2023
India Asia 2019 2023
Indonesia Asia 2022 2023
Kenya Africa 2015 2018
Madagascar Africa 2016 2020
Malawi Africa 2019 2023
Mexico LAC 2018 2020
Mozambique Africa 2022 2024
Myanmar Asia 2015 2019
Nigeria Africa 2018 2020
Papua New Guinea Asia 2018 2023
Peru LAC 2016 2018
Philippines Asia 2018 2023
Rwanda Africa 2017 2019
Sierra Leone Africa 2018 2020
South Africa Africa 2019 2023
Tanzania Africa 2018 2022
Togo Africa 2018 2023
Uganda Africa 2020 2022
Vietnam Asia 2021 2023
Zambia Africa 2015 2017

As of September 2024


PPIs with data older than 10 years

The following countries have PPI scorecards that use data older than ten years. If you would like to request the update of a PPI scorecard, please reach to our team at

Country Region Survey Data Release Date
Afghanistan Asia 2007 2012
Brazil LAC 2008 2010
Egypt MENA 2004 2010
Haiti LAC 2012 2016
Kyrgyz Republic Asia 2012 2015
Mongolia Asia 2014 2016
Morocco MENA 2007 2013
Mozambique Arica 2014 2019
Nicaragua LAC 2014 2022
Nepal Asia 2010 2013
Paraguay LAC 2011 2012
Romania EECA 2007 2009
Russia EECA 2007 2010
Senegal Africa 2011 2018
Sri Lanka Asia 2012 2016
Tajikistan Asia 2007 2015