PPI MIS System Requirements >
Using the PPI™ starts with collecting information from poor families who could be (or are) borrowers. MFIs go to their homes to collect this information. But the next important step in using those data to better serve the poor is to input it into a computer program of some kind. Most MFIs have management information systems (MIS) that they use to track other operational data like loans outstanding or savings balances. The best, most complete use of PPI data requires finding a way to integrate it into their existing MIS. Doing so successfully means that organization would be able to not only assess the poverty distribution of clients according to the PPI but also cross analyze PPI results against all of the other rich client characteristics that are contained within the MIS. Of course, customising these existing MIS to incorporate the PPI to get the best information has become a challenge for many MFIs.
“How do we incorporate PPI into our MIS?” is a frequent question posed by PPI users and potential users alike. To begin answering the question Grameen Foundation has published the working document, Basic PPI MIS System Requirements, to assist organizations in orientating their IT staff and outside consultants with the PPI data characteristics and required software functionality. This document is a working paper because it continues to build on the ongoing experiences of PPI Users. We ask you to use this document, leave us feedback in the comment box below and share experiences with us by email so we can continue to refine the PPI and MIS integration process.
The PPI is easy to store in a system but building out the functionality and usability is a process and depends on the current system being used. We hope that organizations will use this document as a guide to beginning the incorporation process.